
Background Information:

  • Kale, cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts all stem from the same plant family and are called cruciferous vegetables


  • Russian red kale is the most tender and mild
  • Curly kale’s frilly ends make it great for holding the dressing in a salad
  • Heirloom Tuscan kale (aka dinosaur, black, or Lacinato) is the heartiest and bset in long-cooking soups or pesto

Health Benefits: 

  • Contain antioxidants such as flavonoids and carotenoids
  • Rich in vitamin K
  • Contains lutein
  • Strong anti-inflammatory food
  • Has isothiocyanates

Nutrition Information (1 cup): 


  • Winter, Spring, Fall


  • Blanche & refrigerate:
    • Remove leaves from stems, blanch in a large pot of boiling salted water for 15 seconds and drain. When cool enough to handle, squeeze out excess liquid. Let cool completely in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet. Can be stored in an airtight container in refrigerator up to 4 days.
  • Raw:
    •  Do not wash kale before refrigerating, the added moisture will cause it to spoil faster. Keep in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for about a week


  • Very versatile – can be steamed, made into chips, used as a homemade pizza topping, eaten as a salad, or used in a healthy smoothie/juicing recipe


  • “Kale.” Healthy Living Made Simple. March/April 2014. 36.
  • Gardner, Bryan. “It’s Easy Keeping Greens.” Martha Stewart Living.  March 2015. 42.
  • Ramdene, Hali. “Winter Greens.” Better Homes & Gardens. January 2016. 55.

3 thoughts on “Kale

  1. Pingback: Vitamin C | Michelle Smith, RD

  2. Pingback: Calcium | Michelle Smith, RD

  3. Pingback: What’s In Season – Winter Produce | Michelle Smith, RD

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